Frequently Asked Questions

Over the years, we have answered thousands of questions from customers. Here are some of the most common ones. If you cannot find an answer to your satisfaction, we love talking about ceiling fans, so just give us a call at +91 9136344522

Although how a fan looks and how much it costs may be your #1 concerns, there are a variety of equally important factors to consider when choosing one, including energy-efficiency, air circulation capabilities, and life span. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

    • Wind Speed (Breeze): A beautiful looking fan is useless if it doesn’t move enough air to cool you off. 
    • Noise: Many inexpensive fans are noisy because they are made from inferior parts and lack proper noise-reducing components, such as isolation rings and rubber cushions between metal parts. The Most Quiet Ceiling Fans are precision made with a high level of quality control.
    • Durability: A fan that is built to last will have a high-quality motor that is properly matched with the blade pitch and RPM. Fans with inadequately sized motors constantly overheat and will eventually burnout. Ceiling Fans with DC Motors are not only extremely efficient, but they also operate at a much cooler temperature and last longer.
    • Efficiency: How much air a fan moves divided by how much energy it uses is how efficiency is calculated. The formula is CFM/Watts. A fan with very high efficiency can cost less than $20/year to operate even if it’s left running 24 hours a day.
    • Size: Of course, getting the right size ceiling fan for your room is a foremost consideration, as mentioned below.

For insightful info on which ceiling fans are best, visit Best Ceiling Fans. This page runs through the ideal fans for different style preferences and areas in your home, including outdoor spaces and bedrooms.

There’s no definitive rule of thumb for sizing, leading to numerous charts with recommendations that differ widely. After 35 years in business, we’ve devised a Ceiling Fan Size Recommendation Calculator, giving you a close approximation determine the best size for any square or rectangular area. In general, use the largest fan you can live with visually that produces the highest wind speed.
Indoor ceiling fans, also referred to as dry-rated, are designed for indoor areas that aren’t exposed to moisture, such as bedrooms, dining rooms, foyers, workshops, and dens. Outdoor Ceiling Fans are broken up into two categories: wet-rated and damp-rated. The former can handle rain exposure and be installed anywhere, whether outside or indoors. The latter can be used in covered, damp areas—such as a bathroom, sunroom, or patio—but isn’t meant to be exposed to rain or washed with a hose.
The quality of the ceiling fan parts matters. Inferior fans often have low-quality on/off pull chain switches that are prone to failure, as they use less expensive materials that can’t handle everyday use. An internal mechanism may break, or the switch chain can be pulled out of the housing. In many cases, the entire fan becomes useless, as a replacement switch is most likely unavailable.
Cheaper fans often make noise due to inferior components. Additionally, if your motor is connected to a dimmer control, this will wear out the fan, leading to humming. To repair this problem, put in a solid-state fan speed control in place of the dimmer. You’ll notice clicking or ticking if there are loose screws or unbalanced blades. To fix the former issue, tighten the screws in the mounting hardware, as well as the blade holders. For the latter problem, check to see if the blades are equally distant to the ceiling. If they aren’t, follow the steps outlined in this post

A fan can be installed on most residential ceilings, regardless of how high they are. However, you need to determine the correct downrod size. Start by consulting our recommendation chart.

To ensure you end up with the correct combination of ceiling fan, hanging system, and downrod for your application, you’ll also need to keep your individual needs in mind. For example, consider the room size, whether the ceiling is angled or vaulted, the overall open area, the position of the overhead fan relative to the furniture, the room’s function, the local climate, and the fixture’s aesthetics.

In the summer, run your fan in the forward direction (counter-clockwise). This forces the air down, creating a wind-chill effect and cooling you down. In the winter, run the ceiling fan in reverse (clockwise) at a relatively low speed. This will draw cool air up and force the warm air down, preventing the wind-chill effect. To learn more, see this article.

When a ceiling fan shakes or wobbles, the issue is often weight discrepancies between the different blades. To fix the problem, balance the fan using a balancing kit:

    • Run the fan at different speeds to see which setting leads to the most wobbling.
    • Switch the positions of two blades that are adjacent to each other to see if that solves the issue.
    • If it doesn’t, attach a weighted clip to the top of one blade, centering it along the leading edge. Next, turn the fan on and see if the wobble is still noticeable. If it is, move the clip to the next blade, continuing the process until you determine which one can benefit from additional weight.
    • Attach the clip to the blade that leads to the least wobble, and move it around until the fan runs optimally.
    • Peel the protective paper off the adhesive, and stick the lead weight to the blade’s top, making sure it’s adjacent to the clip.
    • Finally, take the weighted clip off and turn the fan on, repeating this process until the fixture doesn’t wobble at all.

Each ceiling fan we sell comes with easy, step-by-step instructions to guide you through the installation process. However, you may be more comfortable hiring an installer. To make sure you choose the right one, ask them questions about their experience, licensing, and service contracts.

Make sure the fan is off before beginning the cleaning and maintenance process. Next, use a step-ladder to reach the blades, and dust them using a dry microfiber cloth. If you notice grime, utilize a damp cloth and detergent, making sure to dry the blades immediately.

To clean the light fixtures, remove the bulbs and glass shades, carefully unscrewing the mounting screws. Wash the glass with warm soapy water, and then clean the motor housing with a lightly dampened cloth, adding dish soap if there’s grime; dry the fan right away to prevent corrosion.